
thoughts, ideas, code and other things...

Saturday, May 01, 2010

GSOC 2010 - Would be working on Sahana Eden this summer :)

I applied for two orgs for GSoC 2010 this time - Sahana Software Foundation, PSF and have been selected for my "HTML/JS based reusable frontend for S3XRC" proposal for Sahana Eden (previously known as SahanaPy). I wish I had applied about an year ago too.

Most of all I'm so because I'm gonna be working on things I love -

Sahana Eden is an Emergency Development Environment - a framework to rapidly build powerful applications for Emergency Management. It is something which you can take and quickly customize to suit the nature of disaster, location, language, etc. It can be morphed into many faces, as per the demands from the use-case. A really life saving app which has a proven record of assistance in disaster struck areas. Sahana Eden has been used in Haiti, World Food Project, etc while previous versions of Sahana have helped a lot in Sri Lanka, Bihar.
A brief history of project Sahana here.

Working with the Sahana Eden team at '09 was a delight, from there on I could contribute little more till my winter break ended, but haven't been able to hack more since then due to the _busy_ _busy_ college life in India :/ (which ofcourse I hate a lot). I'm gonna quench all my thirst this summer.

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At May 2, 2010 at 9:14 PM , Blogger Jass said...

Congrats dude.

At May 3, 2010 at 8:15 AM , Blogger Abhishek Mishra said...

Thanks Jassi :)


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