
thoughts, ideas, code and other things...

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

PyMos - Creating mosaics of your photos was never easier

PyMos is a Python script/module that helps you generate those fancy photo mosaics wherein a large image is made out of tiny thumbnails of other images. But from a distance, the mosaic looks like original image. Here is an example.
PyMos just started as an random hack which later turned into an impromptu hackathon as Yuvi puts it. Man it was fun to work together with someone for the first time, to learn so many new things, and to get more awesome ideas through discussion. Some of the noteworthy things I came through this project are - argparse, PIL, setuptools, some more git gyaan, that colorspace can be also treated like x-y-z vectors, logging in python, caching things using Pickle to save time, writing re-usable code, checking code against standards using pylint, rounding off corners and adding shadows with css, and what not.
I never wished to put too much in the blog about it. Just finished the project page for PyMos an hour ago - Get to know more about PyMos at its project page.

this is how it should look.

Besides that, while making the page I noticed a few things -
  • I happened to find a nice motive for PyMos' existence - these people who sell mosaics as a service. PyMos liberates you financially, intellectually and gives you freedom to mix-n-mash to make your own custom version... for it is a F/OSS
  • The project page would look nice in modern browsers only as I've utilized CSS3 @font-face to pull in some nice fonts.
  • I've also used CSS to save time doing round corners and shadows, so again you need a good browser that supports it, currently Firefox 3.5+ and webkit based ones.
  • By the way, PyMos project page is totally made on Linux, thanks to wine for letting me run Photoshop 7, I no longer have to look towards windows in any case, not even in times of creativity blues.
  • Since I'm not an advanced user of Photoshop, I hardly find any differences in cs3 or 7 as far as the way I use.
So, have fun making some cool mosaics with PyMos :)

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